Electroliquid Aggregation of Charles Darwin's words are in Green
“You’ve probably heard of solar energy in the long history of humankind, photovoltaic cells convert the rays of sunshine into electricity, collaborate and improvise most effectively with no moving parts for example, the conversion has prevailed”.
Rationale: The coming together of 19th and 20th century scientists for the purpose of architectural space experimentation and to illustrate their particular laboratories while amalgamating forms that both enhance and aid their work environment while allowing collaboration via the physical interaction of the two in a shared space.
Electroliquid Aggregation:
"why still speak of the real and the virtual, the material and immaterial? Here these categories are not in opposition, or in some metaphysical disagreement, but more in an electroliquid aggregation, enforcing each other, as in a two part adhesive".
Lars Spuybroek, (1998) Motor Geometry, Architectural Design, Vol 68 No 5/6, p5.
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