Monday, October 18, 2010

ARCH1142 Architectural Communications - storyboarding - (Re) presenting Representations

A workshop introducing the mediation between traditional two dimensional representations and thinking through multiple dimensions in space.
Using a chosen exterior space in the grounds of UNSW 2D sketches and drawings are used to express exterior volume's spatial and architectural qualities.
Creative and imaginative interpretation of ways of seeing while appreciating human and built scale are utilised.

Developed a compositional technique to convey in 3D model format a specific and distinctive interpretation of the chosen space allowing for the PLAY OF LIGHT, SHADOW, FORM, COLOUR and MATERIALITY.

Two volumes connect and express negative and positive spaces.

Three shadow drawings completed.

Workshop Partner: Matt Ma

Process models on thought processes and exploration and interpretation of the space before completion of the final model.

Prototype process model:

Final Model photographed evocatively utilising the play of light, shadows and the space within:

The spaces within, positive and negative.
See within, play of light, shadow, form, colour, materiality.......

The photo below has been manipulated in photoshop - the original is the posting below it.

I love the next three photos for their intimacy and the cast of shadow and play of light in what looks like a twisting corridor in a building. The texture form the balsa wood is very tactile and makes the space seem very real.

Shadow sketches.......